When we were just arriving at the briefing spot, suddenly we were attacked by about 200 people dressed in white robes using weapons like bamboo sticks with nails on it and large stones, and hot sand. Since we were gathering in a circle, we were easy target for them. Looking at the weapons that were used, they were well prepared to attack us.

Based on some eyewitness, apparently HTI (Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia) which has been acclaiming themselves as Non Violence Group who loves peace, was involved in the action. Moreover , Munarman, one of the leaders of HTI was spotted at the scene.
This violent action was done so abruptly, they were even attacking women, elders and children.

Some of us also saw a little child being smashed to a wall by some of the radicals.
Since our action is a peaceful one, none of our people reacted to the violence, but that didn’t stop them.
The brutality kept going on and they also attacked some street hawkers, and everyone who happened to be on their way.
Some of our friends were wounded, mostly got stitches in their heads, amongst them are Joehannes (NIM Secretary), Imdad (ICRP Secretary), Nino (NIM’s Public Relation). Some of them are still hospitalized, like.

Ahmad Taher from Ahmadiyah (can’t move because badly injured), Aisanya Wibuthi from NIM (got Oedema Cerebry), and Guntur from JIL (Islamic Liberal Society) who’s under surgery due to nose fracture.
Indonesia is a country with so many cultures and religions, has been for many centuries, and the only thing to bind this big country is Pancasila. This is our solution for unity, founded by our founding fathers, President Soekarno and his friends in 1945. Therefore, any attempt against this ideology, is illegal in front of the law.
The violent action shown by FPI (Front of Islamic Defenders) today, is purely criminal and can be categorized as an attempt against Pancasila. By hiding behind religion sentiment, they have truly humiliated the name of Islam, and they have no right to claim themselves as representatives of this peaceful loving religion.
Contact Person:
Maya Safira Muchtar
President of National Integration Movement
Kompleks Ruko Golden Fatmawati Block J-35
Jakarta – Indonesia
Email: mayamuchtar@yahoo.com