Jakarta, June 1st 2008
Printed by National Alliance for the Freedom of Faith and Religion (AKKBB)
Printed by National Alliance for the Freedom of Faith and Religion (AKKBB)
The brutality which done by The Islam Defenders Front (FPI) and their troops, Munarman as their leaders.

This is NOT Islam. This is a pure violence which insult Islam itself.

If they are not punish and their leaders are not responsible about what they are doing, this country (Indonesia) will be doom.

We are not Ahmadiyah, we are the citizen of Indonesia.

Forget "Anna and Antum", remember on "Me and You" - we are Indonesian People.

Where is the heart of the party and the institution based on religion ? Where is their voice? Why don't they curse those criminals and their organization and their commander, and force the government punish to death to whom disturb the constitution of our country and preambule and which not respect the right of every citizen in this country.